Alleviate ADD and ADHD Symptoms with Neurofeedback Therapy
Millions of children have been diagnosed with ADD or ADHD, and the number continues to grow. Additionally, more adults than ever are being diagnosed with ADD and ADHD. Individuals who experience ADHD may have difficulty paying attention, have impulsive behavior, find it difficult to wait their turn, feel unfocused, or talk excessively. Currently, medication is a common treatment for ADD and ADHD aimed at improving focus.
Medication is not always effective for every patient and often has negative side effects, but there is good news! Neurofeedback therapy is a medication-free therapy that can treat the symptoms of ADD and ADHD and offers positive, long-lasting results in children and adults.
Brainwave imbalances and ADHD go hand-in-hand.
There are multiple types of brainwaves in the human brain, and according to Psychology Today, studies have shown that individuals with ADHD typically have an imbalance of these brainwaves, particularly concerning the Beta and Theta waves. Beta waves are fast-moving brainwaves responsible for clear thinking, and Theta waves are slower-moving brainwaves found in higher quantities when relaxing or resting. In a brain affected by ADHD, Theta waves are found at higher levels than what is found in patients without ADHD. These Theta waves interfere with the Beta waves when a person is trying to focus or concentrate. Neurofeedback therapy trains the brain to operate in a more balanced manner, and the results are long-lasting, offering relief long after therapy has concluded.
Neurofeedback is an effective therapy for ADD and ADHD.
Neurofeedback therapy is a pain-free, non-invasive therapy that takes place in relaxing, 30-minute sessions. During a typical session, patients listen to music or watch a movie while wearing a nylon cap that measures brainwaves. When brainwaves fall into irregular patterns, the software automatically dims the video or reduces the music volume, which puts the patient’s brainwaves back into more regular and efficient patterns. After a series of therapy sessions, the brain maintains the new patterns and keeps using them outside the neurofeedback therapy sessions.
Contact us today for a free evaluation.
Schedule your free initial consultation to find out if neurofeedback can help you. Call us at (803) 980-7190 or message us online. We look forward to meeting you!