What is Neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback is a non-invasive, pain-free, medication-free therapy that helps the brain move brainwaves in a more efficient pattern.  This therapy improves brainwave balance and timing, which positively impacts conditions such as anxiety, panic attacks, headaches, insomnia, ADHD, autism, and depression, among other conditions.  The neurofeedback sessions are short, tailored to each patient’s needs, and produce measurable outcomes.

What is a neurofeedback training session like?

Every patient starts their neurofeedback journey with a brain map.  Brain mapping is a painless process using specialized equipment monitors that record brainwave activity.  Think of a brain map as a road map where the neurofeedback practitioners can see where your brain activity, or traffic, is moving and create a plan to better streamline the brainwaves into more efficient patterns.

Once the brain mapping is complete and a course of action has been decided upon with your providers, neurofeedback therapy sessions may begin. A typical session includes the patient relaxing with a nylon cap over their head while watching a movie or listening to music.  The cap contains brainwave monitoring equipment that sends real-time information into the neurofeedback program and when brainwaves move beyond the desired pattern areas, the program alters the video, music, or lighting to encourage brainwaves to move back into balance.

Does the treatment last?

Neurofeedback was first introduced in the 1970s and has been gaining popularity ever since due to the easy therapy sessions and long-lasting results.  After a course of neurofeedback therapy sessions, your brain gets in the habit of functioning more efficiently, your symptoms are likely to improve, or in many cases, disappear entirely.  These results last because your brain has changed the way the brainwaves move, and the new patterns are the habits your brain maintains.

How can I learn more?

Neurofeedback isn’t a new therapy and many research studies have been done.  If you’re interested in the research on this type of therapy, you may enjoy this widely cited research paper from the National Library of Medicine.  Our staff at Carolina Neurofeedback would also be happy to discuss neurofeedback research, therapy, and outcomes with you.  Please feel free to call us at (803) 980-7190 or contact us online.

Let’s get started!

We offer a free initial consultation and you can reach out to us with questions at (803) 992-3510, or contact us through our website.   We’re looking forward to meeting you, reach out today!

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